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In January 2013, Miki Hoei completed the paper screening process and participated in the dance competition. After her performance, she was nominated for the Grand Prize at the 11th Newcomer Series of the Dance Ga Mitai Festival at the D-Soko Theater in Tokyo, Japan. This is a commentary of Miki Hoei by Mr. Morihiko Takahashi, a dance commentator and judge of the event.




Hoei appeared from the darkness; picking up pendants scattered about the floor one by one, and placed them on her neck.


Standing in front of the mirror, she bent her neck so that the pendant slid off her neck, falling to the floor.


Then, she tossed them indiscriminately away. She developed her solo performance like this.


Pendant = Decoration of the body.


One might say that we can see in her a symbol of ego that can be found in all of us. 


Although her performance represents the ongoing internal conflict with ego, Hoei's dance motif did not clearly illustrate this.

With her flexibility and strong, agile, non-hesitant dance she entices our hearts to feel as if we have touched a primordial world that existed before words were born.


There were expressions that were quite difficult to describe with words.


It is difficult to express the emotions that moved our hearts in a simple way. When we find a way of expression like dancing, a fundamental human expression that pre-exists society, it cannot be expressed with words and concepts. For sure, Hoei’s performance of extremely delicate choreography (how to use, how to move the body) can express this “sentiment”.


I recognized that she is an outstanding dancer/choreographer.


The pendants and mirror as well as the high-quality lighting and sound were used effectively.


She received the Jury Prize and MASDANZA Prize at the Yokohama Solo/Duo Competition 2008. She received the Best of Dance Performers Prize in MAZDANSA 13.


She is young; however, she has a career.


She is a genius dancer who creates a work-of-art. 


She challenged herself as a newcomer in her solo performance; she did not lose her challenge.


When I watch this person dance, I feel that she has the delicate sensibility as that of glasswork. 


I wonder if she could survive on dancing alone.


However, she is a rare dancer who goes deep to purify the hearts of her audience.


Morihiko Takahashi / dance commentator. 

Since 2004 he has contributed to special edition magazines, daily papers, web media, performance programs, and public relations magazine editions. He also serves as a judge for dance contests.

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